1.0.0 - Build CI

SaraAlert - Local Development build (v1.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide

Sara Alert Immunization Profile

The Sara Alert Immunization profile represents a vaccination of a monitoree.

Sara Alert Observation Profile

The Sara Alert Observation profile represents a monitoree lab result.

Sara Alert Patient Profile

Sara Alert outputs additional extensions on Patient resources

Sara Alert Provenance Profile

The Sara Alert Provenance profile represents a monitoree history item.

Sara Alert QuestionnaireResponse Profile

The Sara Alert QuestionnaireResponse profile represents a monitoree daily report.

Sara Alert RelatedPerson Profile

The Sara Alert RelatedPerson profile represents a close contact of a monitoree.

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide

Additional Planned Travel Destination

Represents destination of the monitoree’s planned travel.

Additional Planned Travel Destination Country

Represents destination country of the monitoree’s planned travel.

Additional Planned Travel Destination State

Represents destination state of the monitoree’s planned travel.

Additional Planned Travel End Date

Represents the date that the monitoree is planning to end their additional travel.

Additional Planned Travel Notes

Represents any additional notes about the monitoree’s planned travel. This can include details about the nature of the trip, planned social interaction, additional destinations, etc.

Additional Planned Travel Port of Departure

Represents the airport, station, or docking point that the monitoree is planning to travel from.

Additional Planned Travel Start Date

Represents the date that the monitoree is planning to begin their additional travel.

Additional Planned Travel Type

Represents type of additional planned travel the monitoree has reported (options are: Domestic and International).

Address Type

Indicates if a monitoree’s address is within the USA, or outside of the USA (options are: USA, Foreign, Monitored and ForeignMonitored). The extension only has meaning when used on the ‘Patient.address’ element. If this extension is not present the address is assumed to be within the USA.

Assigned User

Represents the user or group within a jurisdiction responsible for monitoring a monitoree.

Case Status

Represents if a monitoree meets a case definition (options are: Confirmed, Probable, Suspect, Unknown, and Not a Case).

Closed At

Represents the date and time that a monitoree was manually closed by a user or automatically closed by the system. This field is read-only.


Represents the comment for a monitoree history item.

Common Exposure Cohort

Represents where common exposure cohorts for the monitoree.

Contact Attempts

Represents the number of times that a close contact of a monitoree has been contacted.

Contact Of Known Case

Represents whether or not a monitoree has known exposure to a probable or confirmed case.

Continuous Exposure

Indicates if a monitoree’s exposure to one or more cases is ongoing. This type of exposure means there is no known ‘Last Date of Exposure’

Created At

This field represents the date and time that a resource was created in the system. This field is read-only.

Crew on Passenger or Cargo Flight

Represents whether or not a monitoree works on a passenger, cargo, or other commercial plane.

Date of Arrival

Represents when the monitoree entered the United States after travel.

Date of Departure

Represents the date that the monitoree traveled from the Port of Origin to the United States.

End of Monitoring

Represents the system calculated end of monitoring period. This field is read-only.

Enrolled Patient

References the monitoree that corresponds to the close contact, if such a monitoree exists.

Expected Purge Date

Represents the date and time that the monitoree’s identifiers will be eligible to be purged from the system. This field is read-only.

Exposure Notes

Represents any additional notes about the monitoree’s exposure history or case information history. This can include details about the interaction with a known case, high risk activities, common exposure, etc.

Exposure Risk Assessment

Indicates the risk assessment of a a monitoree’s exposure to disease (options are: High, Medium, Low, No Identified Risk).

Exposure Risk Factors

Represents the exposure risk factors for the monitoree.

Extended Isolation

Represents a user-defined date that determines eligibility for a monitoree appearing on the Records Requiring Review linelist.

Flight or Vessel Carrier

Represents the carrier, operating company, or provider of the flight or vessel.

Flight or Vessel Number

Represents the plane, train, ship, or other vessel that the monitoree used to travel to their destination.

Follow-up Note

Specifies additional details for the follow-up reason on the monitoree.

Follow-up Reason

Specifies a reason to follow up on the monitoree (options are: Deceased, Duplicate, High-Risk, Hospitalized, In Need of Follow-up, Lost to Follow-up, Needs Interpretation, Quality Assurance, Refused Active Monitoring, and Other).

Full Assigned Jurisdiction Path

Represents the jurisdiction in which this monitoree is enrolled.

Head of Household

This field indicates if the monitoree is a head of household. This field is read-only.

Healthcare Personnel

Represents whether or not a monitoree works in a healthcare facility.

History Type

Represents the history type for a monitoree history item.

ID of Reporter

Represents the ID of the monitoree that is responsible of reporting on a monitoree’s behalf. This field is read-only.

International Telephone

Indicates if a monitoree’s telephone number is international. The extension only has meaning when used on the ‘Patient.telecom’ element. If this extension is not present the telecom is assumed not to be international.


If the monitoree should be in the isolation workflow (omitting this extension defaults this value to false, leaving the monitoree in the exposure workflow.

Laboratory Personnel

Represents whether or not a monitoree works in a laboratory or testing facility.

Last Assessment Reminder Sent

This field represents the date and time that a report reminder was last sent to a monitoree. This field is read-only.

Last Date of Exposure

When the monitoree`s last exposure occurred for use in the Sara Alert exposure workflow.

Member of a Common Exposure Cohort

Represents whether or not a monitoree was exposed via a common source or gathering.

Monitoring Plan

Represents the monitoring approach selected by public health based on CDC or local guidance (options are: None, Daily active monitoring, Self-monitoring with public health supervision, Self-monitoring with delegated supervision, Self-observation).


Represents general notes used to describe a close contact of a monitoree.

Original ID

Indicates the id of the original comment before any edits were made. This field is read-only.

Paused Notifications

This field indicates if the monitoree has notifications paused. This field is read-only.

Phone Type

Represents the type of phone attached to the phone number. This field can be used to determine a monitoree’s ability to receive SMS Texted Weblink, Telephone call, or SMS Text-message during the selection of Preferred Reporting Method (options are: Smartphone, Landline, Plain Cell).

Port of Entry into USA

Represents the U.S. airport, station, or docking point that the monitoree traveled to in order to enter the United States.

Port of Origin

Represents the airport, station, or docking point that the monitoree traveled from.

Potential Exposure Country

Represents a description of the country where the monitoree was potentially last exposed to a case.

Potential Exposure Location

Represents a description of the location where the monitoree was potentially last exposed to a case.

Preferred Contact Method

Represents the form in which the monitoree receives their daily symptom reports (options are: E-mailed Web Link, SMS Texted Weblink, Telephone call, and SMS Text-message).

Preferred Contact Time

Represents the time period that the system sends out symptom reports to a monitoree (options are: Morning, Afternoon, Evening).

Public Health Action

Indicates the public health recommendation for a monitoree (options are: None, Recommended medical evaluation of symptoms, Document results of medical evaluation, Recommended laboratory testing).

Reason for Closure

Represents the reason a monitoree was closed by the user or system. This field is read-only.

Sexual Orientation

Represents how the monitoree characterizes their attraction to others.

Source Of Report

Represents where initial information about the monitoree’s exposure or illness was obtained from.


For monitorees in the Exposure workflow, this field represents the line list, where the monitoree is being monitored (options are: asymptomatic, symptomatic, non reporting, under investigation = PUI, and closed).

For monitorees in the Isolation workflow, this field represents the monitoree’s preliminarily met recovery definition. If the monitoree has not met a preliminary recovery definition, then this field indicates the line list where the monitoree is being monitored (options are: symp non test based, asymp non test based, test based, reporting, non reporting, and closed). This field is read-only.

Symptom Onset Date

When the monitoree`s first symptoms appeared for use in the Sara Alert isolation workflow.


This field indicates if the monitoree has reported symptoms that need review by a public health user. This field is read-only.


Represents a transfer event involving the monitoree. This field is read-only.

Travel From Affected Country or Area

Represents whether or not a monitoree traveled from a country or area with a high prevalence of disease within the exposure period.

Travel Related Notes

Represents any additional notes about the monitoree’s travel history. This can include details about the nature of the trip, contact with anyone symptomatic, original country departed from, etc.

User Defined Symptom Onset

This field indicates if a user manually defined symptom onset for the monitoree. This field is read-only.

Was in Health Care Facility with Known Cases

Represents whether or not a monitoree entered or was treated in a health care facility that had known cases.

Who Reported

System assigned value for the monitoree or user that submitted a report. This field is read-only.

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide

COVID-19 Vaccines Value Set
Sara Alert Language ValueSet

This ValueSet lists the allowed values for setting “Primary Language” and “Secondary Language” in Sara Alert. Either the “Code” value or the “Display” value may be used. In cases where the 2-letter ISO 639-1 code is listed, the corresponding 3-letter ISO 639-2 code may also be used.
