1.0.0 - Build CI

SaraAlert - Local Development build (v1.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

..0 Table of Contents
...1 Home
...2 Artifacts Summary
....2.1 Sara Alert Immunization Profile
....2.2 Sara Alert Observation Profile
....2.3 Sara Alert Patient Profile
....2.4 Sara Alert Provenance Profile
....2.5 Sara Alert QuestionnaireResponse Profile
....2.6 Sara Alert RelatedPerson Profile
....2.7 Additional Planned Travel Destination
....2.8 Additional Planned Travel Destination Country
....2.9 Additional Planned Travel Destination State
....2.10 Additional Planned Travel End Date
....2.11 Additional Planned Travel Notes
....2.12 Additional Planned Travel Port of Departure
....2.13 Additional Planned Travel Start Date
....2.14 Additional Planned Travel Type
....2.15 Address Type
....2.16 Assigned User
....2.17 Case Status
....2.18 Closed At
....2.19 Comment
....2.20 Common Exposure Cohort
....2.21 Contact Attempts
....2.22 Contact Of Known Case
....2.23 Continuous Exposure
....2.24 Created At
....2.25 Crew on Passenger or Cargo Flight
....2.26 Date of Arrival
....2.27 Date of Departure
....2.28 End of Monitoring
....2.29 Enrolled Patient
....2.30 Expected Purge Date
....2.31 Exposure Notes
....2.32 Exposure Risk Assessment
....2.33 Exposure Risk Factors
....2.34 Extended Isolation
....2.35 Flight or Vessel Carrier
....2.36 Flight or Vessel Number
....2.37 Follow-up Note
....2.38 Follow-up Reason
....2.39 Full Assigned Jurisdiction Path
....2.40 Head of Household
....2.41 Healthcare Personnel
....2.42 History Type
....2.43 ID of Reporter
....2.44 International Telephone
....2.45 Isolation
....2.46 Laboratory Personnel
....2.47 Last Assessment Reminder Sent
....2.48 Last Date of Exposure
....2.49 Member of a Common Exposure Cohort
....2.50 Monitoring Plan
....2.51 Notes
....2.52 Original ID
....2.53 Paused Notifications
....2.54 Phone Type
....2.55 Port of Entry into USA
....2.56 Port of Origin
....2.57 Potential Exposure Country
....2.58 Potential Exposure Location
....2.59 Preferred Contact Method
....2.60 Preferred Contact Time
....2.61 Public Health Action
....2.62 Reason for Closure
....2.63 Sexual Orientation
....2.64 Source Of Report
....2.65 Status
....2.66 Symptom Onset Date
....2.67 Symptomatic
....2.68 Transfer
....2.69 Travel From Affected Country or Area
....2.70 Travel Related Notes
....2.71 User Defined Symptom Onset
....2.72 Was in Health Care Facility with Known Cases
....2.73 Who Reported
....2.74 COVID-19 Vaccines Value Set
....2.75 SaraAlertLabResult
....2.76 SaraAlertLabType
....2.77 Sara Alert Language ValueSet
....2.78 SaraAlertSexualOrientation